Are You Suffering from Chronic Lyme Disease Symptoms?

Managing chronic Lyme disease is a battle against invisible symptoms that may be difficult for those around you to understand. The experience can be frustrating and confusing—but you’re not alone. Those who grapple with the lasting symptoms of chronic Lyme disease, also called post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome, often face: 

  • Persistent fatigue
  • Joint pain and inflammation
  • Brain fog
  • Mood changes
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Numbness or tingling sensations
  • Dizziness
  • And many others

Aviv Clinics offers advanced chronic Lyme disease treatment for persistent symptoms. Don’t let the symptoms of chronic Lyme disease control your life. Our innovative approach may provide relief and recovery.

  • image of What Is Chronic Lyme Disease?
  • What Is Chronic Lyme Disease?

    Chronic Lyme disease is a common bacterial infection that spreads to humans via infected ticks. Some experts believe the bactera can trigger an “auto-immune” response, causing symptoms that last well after the infection itself is gone. 

    As many as 476,000 people may get Lyme disease each year in the U.S. alone, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

    Chronic Lyme disease is difficult to treat, leaving many patients with chronic symptoms despite standard antibiotic treatments. Lyme disease in its chronic state can lead to symptoms that are often overlooked or misdiagnosed, including fever, rash, facial paralysis, arthritis, mental fog, fatigue, and sleeplessness. 

    Recent research has found that the Aviv Medical Program can provide effective chronic Lyme disease treatment and may prove especially helpful for patients who are resistant to other treatments.

  • image of Assessing Damage Caused by Lyme Disease
  • Assessing Damage Caused by Lyme Disease

    Chronic Lyme disease affects each individual uniquely, leaving a complex trail of health challenges. Aviv Clinics recognizes that fully understanding your personal situation is the first step toward successful treatment for chronic Lyme disease

    During your Aviv Clinics assessment, state-of-the-art diagnostic tools create a map of your body’s systems, including your heart, lungs, muscle mass, and overall physical condition, to evaluate the scope of the disease’s impact. Advanced cognitive tests further reveal its effects on your brain function, while blood work helps identify key indicators of your body’s battle with Lyme disease. 

    This assessment forms the foundation of your personalized chronic Lyme treatment plan. Our healthcare team targets our approach to address the root causes of your symptoms. Post-treatment, we conduct an assessment again to measure your recovery progress and ensure our chronic Lyme disease treatment meets your individual health needs. 

  • image of The Aviv Medical Program Approach to Chronic Lyme Disease Treatment
  • The Aviv Medical Program Approach to Chronic Lyme Disease Treatment

    Patients with chronic Lyme are discovering hope and relief at Aviv Clinics. The science-backed Aviv Medical Program offers comprehensive chronic Lyme disease treatment for patients who have not responded to antibiotic treatment. 

    Backed by over a decade of research, our customized program can combine multiple evidence-based therapies, including cognitive and physical training, dietary coaching, and hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Each program is designed by a multidisciplinary team of experts to address each patient’s unique challenges and symptoms of chronic Lyme as well as the underlying factors that contribute to the disease, offering holistic care in one central location. 

    This integrated approach is designed to maximize the body’s healing process and reduce symptoms of mental fogginess, fatigue, sleeplessness, and joint pain. Patients can experience significant improvements long after treatment ends. 

    Contact Aviv Clinics to see how we can help you reclaim your life. 

Healing from Chronic Lyme Disease - Watch Lyndi's Story

Benefits of Aviv Medical Program may include*:

Benefits for your body:

Benefits for your body:

  • Reduced joint pain (strong anti-inflammatory effect)
  • Less fatigue and better sleep
  • Increased energy, power and stamina
  • Better physical performance: fitness, strength, coordination, balance
  • *Individual patient results may vary.
Benefits for your brain:

Benefits for your brain:

  • Better brain connectivity and function (the general health of your brain and how it controls thoughts and feelings)
  • Stronger mental ability, including: memory, attention, and focus
  • Faster information processing speed (how quickly you complete mental tasks)
  • Sharper executive functions (the set of complex mental skills that allow you to think flexibly, make decisions, and exercise self-control)
  • Improved mood and sleep quality
  • *Individual patient results may vary.
Benefits for your cells:

Benefits for your cells:

  • Improvements on the cellular level

Experience the Best Chronic Lyme Disease Treatment at Aviv Clinics

  • Comprehensive Medical Assessment
    Our team of specialists conducts an in-depth assessment to create a complete picture of your health status. Using advanced diagnostic tools, including neuroimaging and detailed blood work, we evaluate the impact of Lyme disease on your brain and body to determine the most effective treatment approach for you.
  • Personalized Treatment Plan
    Based on the results of your assessment, we create a customized chronic Lyme treatment plan targeting your specific symptoms. This program typically spans 8–12 weeks, with sessions 5 days per week, and includes treatments and therapies tailored to your individual health needs.
  • Progress Tracking and Future Planning
    After your treatment is complete, we perform a follow-up assessment to compare your pre- and post-treatment results. You’ll receive a detailed report highlighting improvements in areas such as cognitive function, energy levels, and physical performance. We’ll also provide recommendations for maintaining and building upon your progress. 

If you or a loved one are suffering from the symptoms of chronic Lyme disease, we may be able to help.

Contact the clinic to schedule a free consultation.

The Aviv Medical Program: How It Works

The Aviv Medical Program has proven clinical results based on over a decade of research at Shamir Medical Center.

Our program includes:

  • In-depth medical assessment

    You’ll undergo a comprehensive three-day medical, physiological, and mental assessment conducted by Aviv’s certified medical staff, including physicians, neuropsychologists, physiotherapists, physiologists, and nurses. This involves the most advanced brain imaging tests suited to your needs, such as perfusion MRI, fMRI, and SPECT.

  • Tailored treatment program based on your personalized assessment

    During the Aviv Medical Program, your dedicated medical team will coach you through your personalized treatment plan, which may include brain and physical training, hyperbaric oxygen therapy sessions, and a nutritional regimen, all designed based on your assessment results to maximize your body’s healing process.

  • Measurable results - Post-treatment assessment

    At the end of your treatment, we’ll repeat the tests from the initial assessment to measure results and make recommendations for your ongoing progress.

    You’ll receive a comprehensive statement from our licensed clinical team, identifying areas of improvement and recommendations for ongoing progress.

If you or a loved one are suffering from the symptoms of chronic Lyme disease, we may be able to help.

  • image of Chronic Lyme Treatment FAQ
  • Chronic Lyme Treatment FAQ

    What are the symptoms of Chronic Lyme disease? 

    Symptoms of chronic Lyme disease differ from those of acute Lyme disease and may include fatigue, joint pain, brain fog, sleep problems, neurological problems, and mental health challenges. Some of the initial flu-like symptoms may persist after an acute infection, but chronic Lyme requires specialized long-term management for effective relief. 

    How is chronic Lyme diagnosed?

    Diagnosing chronic Lyme disease is challenging, particularly because the symptoms can mimic other health conditions, like fibromyalgia. If Lyme disease is suspected, blood tests that detect antibodies that fight Lyme bacteria can often confirm a diagnosis. Note that it’s never too late after an acute infection to seek a diagnosis for the chronic condition—it’s possible to test for Lyme disease years later.

    What is the treatment for Lyme disease?

    Initial treatment for acute Lyme disease generally involves antibiotics to target the Borrelia bacteria that cause Lyme. Treatment for chronic Lyme disease involves other therapies to reduce inflammation, manage pain, and support overall health. Advanced intervention is typically required to address long-term symptoms of Lyme disease.

    What is the best treatment for chronic Lyme disease?

    The best treatment for chronic Lyme is multifaceted and should include treatments and therapies that go beyond treating individual symptoms to support holistic healing. This can include treatments to boost overall immunity and mitigate the internal impact of the infection. Comprehensive treatment for chronic Lyme disease supports the body’s healing from multiple angles, addressing both the infection and its effects on the brain and body. 

    What is the most accurate test for Lyme disease?

    No test is 100% accurate, but medical experts recommend a two-tiered approach: an enzyme-linked immunoassay (ELISA) blood test followed by a Western blot test using a blood or tissue sample. Antibodies against Lyme bacteria can linger in the body for years. In some patients, tests may be able to detect Lyme disease 20 years later or more. 

    What happens if Lyme disease goes untreated?

    Lyme bacteria can spread from the initial site to other parts of the body. Untreated Lyme disease can lead to health complications in the brain and body, potentially affecting the heart, nervous system, and musculoskeletal system. Treatment of Lyme disease is important to prevent additional persistent health effects. 

    What is post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome?

    Post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome (PTLDS) is another name for chronic Lyme disease and refers to lingering symptoms that persist beyond initial treatment for an acute infection. It’s believed to be caused by multiple factors, including the damaging effects of Lyme bacteria and the immune system’s response to the bacteria. 

    Can you get over Lyme disease without treatment? 

    Because it’s a bacterial infection, Lyme disease usually requires antibiotics for full recovery. Some people seem to recover from Lyme disease without treatment, while others develop chronic symptoms despite receiving treatment. It’s always recommended to seek a medical evaluation, even if it seems you’ve fully recovered. Doing so can reduce the likelihood of long-term health issues.